Wednesday, December 20, 2017

FMod - Need a new OOBE

I realized a while back that Abiathar's out-of-box experience, introduced a few versions back, could stand to be improved. Currently it throws up a box with sixteen (!) checkboxes and a paragraph of text. Asking the user to look over that many settings, especially when unsure what effect they have on the editing experience, is probably not very welcoming. Also, I have still not solved the problem of how to guide users in the basics of Abiathar.

Today I decided that all of those issues need to be fixed. I'm introducing a "tour" that will replace the OOBE config screen. On first launch, the user will be given the option to start the tour. Abiathar will then walk the user through the process of creating a level set, getting around the editor, and making some changes.

So far, I've designed the new OOBE window (which is much prettier than the old one), rearranged the contextual help window to also accommodate the tour guide, and set up the infrastructure for tour mode. When the user starts the tour, Abiathar will load an extension that it implements itself (like the standard toolkit). That allows Abiathar to not have all the event bus stops registered all the time, maintaining performance.

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