I recently got an email from Google AdMob urging me to add an app-ads.txt file for one of my Google Play apps. This email directed me to a PDF of a technical specification which referred to another prior specification. While I could have spent the time digging into the details, it seemed strange to me that Google would say "here's the specs, go do the thing!" since they're usually quite developer-friendly. I looked through the specs a bit and tried researching what app-ads.txt is supposed to do and did not get far in the brief time I investigated.
But reading on in the email and poking around, I eventually discovered that understanding all the rules and goals of the file was not necessary. The AdMob console's "how to set up app-ads.txt" button mentioned by the email contains an AdMob-user-specific snippet that can be the entire content of the file. This was not clear to me because step 1 was to create the file "using the spec provided by the IAB Tech Lab."
So I specified an URL for my app in its Google Play listing, created app-ads.txt in its root as directed, and pasted the snippet into it. (I also went ahead and added a CONTACT line.) The next day, the AdMob console confirmed that the file was set up properly.
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