Sunday, September 13, 2020

FMod - v2.11.3

I received a report from a PCKF user that Abiathar was unable to open a certain mod's levels because one level was wider than 255 tiles. Indeed, Abiathar's level size restrictions structure uses one byte to store each dimension, so it couldn't handle larger levels. Such levels have weird behavior in-game past coordinate 255, but they can be played. 

So I increased the default limits to 65,535 (the maximum that can be stored in the standard level format). It wasn't as simple as just increasing some constants, though, because some parts need to pack two coordinates into one 16-bit number, mostly having to do with links. I added some checks to reject link destinations with coordinates larger than 255. Then I found that saving really huge levels crashed because their compressed plane data sizes couldn't be fit into two bytes. I introduced a "maximum area" field to the level size restrictions and added checks for this to the level properties dialog and row/column manipulators.

Since inability to open valid levels is a major problem, I released these changes (and the IMF-related ones waiting in beta) immediately as v2.11.3.

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