Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Allowing standard users to run a privileged scheduled task

A Super User asker wanted to allow all users to perform one specific action that usually requires administrative privileges. Application developers wanting to do this should create a service with an RPC mechanism, but a quick way for a scripter to do it is to take advantage of the Task Scheduler service. First, a scheduled task that runs something as SYSTEM (no triggers necessary) can be created as usual.

Then the trick is to adjust the task's access control list. Neither the Task Scheduler MMC snap-in nor the relevant PowerShell module provide a way to change tasks' security descriptors, but the IRegisteredTask COM interface implements IDispatch, so it can be used in PowerShell. To obtain a task object:

$ts = New-Object -ComObject 'Schedule.Service'
$task = $ts.GetFolder('\').GetTask($taskName)

The GetSecurityDescriptor method takes a flags argument specifying which parts of the security descriptor to get as a SDDL string; 4 gets just the DACL. Appending (A;;FRFX;;;BU) adds an extra access control entry that allows (A) read (FR) and execute (FX) access to the Users group (BU). The adjusted SDDL can be applied with the SetSecurityDescriptor method. Standard users will then be able to see and run the task, but not alter it to do something else or delete it. 

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