Thursday, December 15, 2016

AbiathRPC - Administration APIs

There should definitely be a way for AbiathRPC server operators to manage their servers without having to actually remote in to the host machine, stop the server program, fiddle a textual config file, and restart the program. I think it makes sense for some management tools to be included in the Abiathar extension itself. So today I added a few WCF endpoints on the server: to get the allowed users, to delete a user, to create a user, to reset a user's password, and to set a user's access level. Those are all implemented, but I haven't yet put together a GUI on the client to use them.

I also adjusted the part of the server that decides a newly connected user's authentication plan. Now, even on an open-access server, users with a definite password will actually be required to enter their password if they use their registered username. Users without accounts are still free to pick whatever name they want and use it with no special access or authentication.

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