Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Setting an HKCU Registry setting for all users on the machine

Suppose there's a per-user Registry setting that, for your users' convenience, you'd like to set for everyone on the machine. If there's no policy for it, the standard Group Policy tools won't do the job. Nevertheless, the Group Policy infrastructure will be happy to set any Registry setting you specify, with the caveat that if it's not in a policy branch, it won't go away if you change your mind and unset it in the GPO.

Normal tools won't let you set arbitrary settings, but Policy Plus will. You can use the Import REG option (either the menu item under Share or the button in the POL editor) to apply a REG file to the GPO. Alternatively, you can skip the file and use File | Edit Raw POL directly. If you have a Group Policy-enabled edition of Windows, the change will be applied to your user account and to all others when they next log on.

Unfortunately, on Home editions, there's no way to disseminate user settings except by manually loading each user hive and changing them individually, but Policy Plus will happily apply them to your account when you click Save Policies.

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