Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Robotics - Continued Autonomous

At the previous meeting, we discovered that one small metal channel on the robot sticks down too far and causes problems when going down the ramp. (It actually made a divot in the floor mat!) We worked on filing it down, for lack of a better tool.

While others worked on that and tinkered with the partially-functioning 3D printer the AEA let us borrow, I continued working on the autonomous routine. It now does an excellent job of knocking down the kickstand in Position 3 thanks to better tuning of the turn time. I also started using the nicer HiTechnic IR Seeker 1200 drivers, so I can gain even deeper insight into the IR topology and make positional decisions based on that.

The program now checks whether the IR is in place for Position 3 before blindly going ahead and ramming a pole that might be there or might be a wall. I also added pathing and detection for Position 2. Unfortunately, the IR sensor occasionally produces the same value for Positions 3 and 2 from where I'm testing, so I may need to locate another testing spot. Both paths have been tested and work excellently. All that's left is to add pathing and detection for Position 1 and maybe rework the IR checking.

On Thursday, the good builders will both be there, so we can actually add hardware to the robot.

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