Friday, January 6, 2017

FMod - Unmanaged patches

One concern I and some Abiathar users have is that it's easy to forget that Abiathar is managing the patch file and then go on to modify the generated file; those modifications then get overwritten next time Generate Patches is used. There has always been a big warning at the top of the file about that, but even so, it's inconvenient to have to open up Abiathar and click a couple menu items just to tweak the patches.

Today, I added some logic to detect external modification of the patch file. If any new lines are added in the clearly marked spot, Abiathar offers to add them to the dependency file (ADEPS). If the user accepts, the unmanaged patches are added to the normal user-created patch section in the Patches window. The user can decline, in which case Abiathar will continue preserving them when writing out the automatic and in-Abiathar user-specified patches.

I also changed the patch emitter to not write out the CKPatch executable every time. If a file already exists with the right name and size, Abiathar assumes the patcher program is already ready to go.

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