Sunday, April 15, 2018

FMod - Zoomable simultaneous tileset

Today I decided to finally implement zoom for Abiathar's simultaneous tileset. I started by defining a new, smaller set of zoom levels, since any zoom factor bigger than 2x would make the tileset cover virtually the entire screen, which defeats the purpose of it being a simultaneous tileset. Then I did some math to make the appropriate UI elements get resized and relocated correctly when the tileset zoom level changes. Finally, I had to go through and replace all the assumptions of 16 pixels per tile in the simultaneous tileset with uses of the new tileset-specific zoom level. This was probably the trickiest part, since the 16 assumption had made its way around in the four years of Abiathar's existence. Fortunately I think I've got it all - a search for "16" in the main form's code turns up only things that legitimately need to be hardcoded as 16.

Both the level and simultaneous tileset zoomed to 32 pixels per tile
The zoom slider had to go - it wouldn't make sense to have a single zoom slider and two separate zoom levels - but I kept the zoom status label. In simultaneous tileset mode, it displays the two zoom levels as e.g. "100%, 200%" for the level being at 1x and the tileset being at 2x. Possibly confusingly, the Zoom In and Zoom Out menu items only control the main zoom; the only way to change the zoom level of the simultaneous tileset is to mouse over it and use the plus or minus keys. I may need to reconsider that based on user feedback.

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