Sunday, January 25, 2015

FMod - Some Issues

A few days ago, I had a conversation on IRC with an Abiathar user who was experiencing some problems. Apparently, the Project Settings dialog is quite broken in that moving to the Containing Folder step sets the dialog to the mode that initializes data to default values when a page is moved to. (That mode should be only used at the start of the New Project Wizard, which is actually the same dialog invoked differently.) Also, the function that checks whether a path is inside the residing directory does not handle blank paths, so if a filename box is left blank, Abiathar will crash when Next is pressed. This has been fixed, but not released publicly.

Also, it turns out that .NET refuses to reflectively load on-disk assemblies that have the NTFS Alternate Data Stream that says they came from the Internet. All major browsers leave that mark on downloaded files, and some ZIP extractors propagate it to the files in the archive when it is extracted. So, unless "Unblock" is hit on the Properties page, Abiathar will fail to load the ImfPreview extension. I can't do anything about this besides warn people.

Finally, I noticed that the default name (involving the chunk number) is no longer filled in when importing IMFs. I'll fix that and then release v2.3.3.

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