Saturday, April 30, 2016

When no MAPHEAD is necessary

The first levelpack ever made for Keen 4 is distributed in just one file - it replaces GAMEMAPS only, not MAPHEAD. That's pretty impressive, because the author needed to align level data within the modified GAMEMAPS file correctly so that the default MAPHEAD data pointed to valid places.

I recently received an inquiry as to how to open such levels in Abiathar, since there was no file to specify as the map header.

To open those levels in any level editor, it's necessary to get the default MAPHEAD. Abiathar doesn't currently have a way to export the default one that it keeps inside itself, but once you acquire that file somewhere, it's able to deal with it like any other. I sent the inquirer a copy of the default that I had extracted from the game. Eventually I might add all the stored resources to the File Emitter.

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