Thursday, March 30, 2017

Policy Plus - Documentation

I plan to enter Policy Plus into a "tech fair" at my school, and the judging criteria seem to want documentation and explanation usable by non-programmers. I have noticed that the project involves a lot of terms that might not be intuitively obvious to users, so today I wrote a "lexicon" page that defines the phrases that can be found in the UI and in my other writings about the program.

When I look at other people's open-source projects, I usually have trouble finding where in the codebase a particular feature is implemented. Though Policy Plus is pretty small, it would be nice for new contributors - or non-programmers trying to understand its architecture - to see a brief summary of what each file does and how they interact. So I wrote a "components" page that lists just that.

Neither of these documents are currently online, since I'm still thinking about how best to organize non-code in the repository.

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