Now that you have a listener to catch new connections, it's time to actually communicate with them. I recommend another thread for reading in data. We'll use a queue of messages, but we'll need a new class to keep track of messages.
Public Class QueuedMessage
Public Received As DateTime
Public Data As String
Public Sender As ClientCon
Public Sub New(R As DateTime, D As String, S as ClientCon)
Received = R
Data = D
Sender = ClientCon
End Sub
End Class
Now we can make that queue and add data-reading and message-processing loops.
Public ProcessQueue As New List(Of QueuedMessage)
Public Sub ReadData()
For Each c In Cons
If Not c.Connected Then Exit Try
Dim s As String = c.Reader.ReadLine()
Dim msg As New QueuedMessage(Now, s, c)
If Trim(s) <> "" Then ProcessQueue.Add(msg)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub ProcessLines()
If ProcessQueue.Count > 0 Then
Dim d As QueuedMessage = ProcessQueue(0)
'Your handling code here using d
End If
End Sub
Insert calls to start threads for those loops to the server's initialization sub. For convenience, I recommend having a writing sub in the connection class. Also, soon we'll need a time field to keep track of keep-alives.
Public LastKA As DateTime
Public Sub Send(Data As String)
End Sub
Set the timer and give the client a little head start in the client acceptance code:
c.LastKA = Now.AddSeconds(5)
With that ready, insert a line into the data-reading loop that resets that field when data is received.
c.LastKA = Now
Prepare to enforce the timeout.
Public Sub Discon(Con As ClientCon)
End Sub
Finally, add a check loop sub.
Public Sub CheckKA()
For Each c In Cons
If c.LastKA.AddSeconds(10) < Now Then Discon(c)
End Sub
Just make sure to have the client send updates or useless KA messages once every few seconds. I'm not sure what I'll cover next time.
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