Monday, October 13, 2014

Robotics - Oops

There were extremely few people from my team at the robotics meeting today (despite almost the entire other team being there), so we did not accomplish much. I did pull out the instruction manual for the center field assembly, then tried to continue the assembly with the help of the only other person on my team present.

We got to the part in the instructions where it says to place the ball holder, but we couldn't understand how to screw it in. When we found the holes for doing so, we noticed that the pipes that were holding the upper part stiff were in the way. Then, to our dismay, we discovered that the instructions mentioned an entirely different set of pipes when it told us to push them through the center slope's holes. We had been using the kickstand pipes, which were obviously far too long! To make it even worse, the other builders had drilled holes in those pipes to line up with the holes on the side - and then riveted the kickstand pipes to the inside wall! The short pipes that were intended for bracing already had holes.

We'll need to figure that out when we get a drill. In the meantime, I installed Git for Windows onto my school laptop and successfully authored a commit to GitHub using it. This source control thing works fairly well.

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