Thursday, July 13, 2017

FMod - Lone Editing and hidden planes

While working on my machine-assisted Keen 5 level pack, I noticed two things about Abiathar: the Lone Editing mode is fantastic, but also it has a tiny bug. Lone Editing makes sure only one plane is active at a time, so switching to editing only, say, the infoplane is a quick tap of the 3 key with no need to manually disable the previous plane first. Planes can also be hidden, which is a distinct state from being disabled/locked/visible. Sometimes I need to hide one plane to clearly see one behind it. Re-enabling a hidden plane, though, doesn't enforce the "one plane active at a time" rule. This confuses the paste preview plane, which proceeds to render extra planes in the translucent preview (but fortunately it places the correct ones).

The plane visibility toggle now considers Lone Editing mode. If there are any active planes when a hidden one's visibility is toggled, that plane becomes locked instead of active.

Additionally, I just now noticed a minor UI glitch. The "switch to tileset" method, which automatically updates plane states in Lone Editing mode, directly edited the plane state array instead of calling the appropriate function, so the checked state of the plane control menu items didn't get updated. That's fixed too.

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