Monday, April 13, 2015

FMod - Default EgaDict Loading

I noticed that several Galaxy mods ship modified EgaGraph and EgaHead resources, but the EgaDict is neither replaced nor removed via patching. Such mods are very difficult to open directly in Abiathar because it requires you to specify all three EGA files. (The check box that controls whether it requires an EgaDict completely changes the decompression algorithm.) The workaround was to copy the game's default EgaDict into the mod directory, then specify that.

That's really inconvenient, so I added an option to the New Project Wizard that causes the EGA graphics loader to use the game's default EgaDict, even if the other EGA files are being loaded from disk. The "this graphics set requires an EGA dictionary" check box was reworded to "this game uses compressed graphics" so as to minimize misunderstanding of what changing its state will mean.

The revised Graphics Files page

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