Sunday, April 26, 2015

FMod - v2.5.3

In a screenshot posted by a community member, I noticed a serious problem in Abiathar's routine for rendering ModKeen-style bitmap graphics. It was treating every pixel as opaque, even when the mask section of the bitmap said it should have been transparent. That led to ugly opaque black overlays, completely covering the background tile whereever the foreground had a non-null tile.

It turns out that the equality operator was not overloaded by System.Drawing.Color in the way I expected. I had to convert the pixel color to an integer with ToArgb before performing the comparison. (That's kind of strange, because I'm sure I tested this. Maybe it varies between framework versions?) The problem is fixed, and ModKeen graphics now display correctly.

While testing that fix, I also noticed a problem with the simple (TOM-style) version of the New Project Wizard. It recorded the absolute path to the GameMaps file rather than the path/filename relative to the auto-detected project folder. That forced the user to fix the path manually if they wanted to change their resources in Project Settings (which is not hard to do - just delete the absolute part of the path - but still unexpected/annoying). It also would have caused issues if a project folder was sync'd across multiple computers. The issue has been fixed, but I can't safely do anything about existing dependency files that were created in the simple NPW with this bug.

Before releasing, I changed the color of the "Active" plane state label to blue, making it match the blue/cyan theme of the rest of the program.

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