Friday, April 17, 2015

FMod - More Crash Bugs

Another crash bug was reported in Abiathar's New Project Wizard. (That one component has been the source of many issues over its half a year of existence.) When the "get prompted for basic resources (simple)" option was selected and the first file browse operation was canceled, the wizard would move to the directory selection page. When either the Next or Back button was pressed, Abiathar would crash after attempting to use a null reference.

It turns out I had forgotten the "else" part of an if statement that checked for the successful completion of the file browse. After adding an "Exit Sub" to the Else block, the bug was fixed. If the browse is canceled, the wizard stays on the first page to let the user choose a different option.

While messing around in testing, I discovered that dragging an ADEPS file onto the Abiathar executable to open it resulted in a crash. This bug was introduced in v2.5.1 when I added the zoom slider - when the command line arguments were dealt with, UI elements had not been fully initialized. After moving argument processing to the end of the startup procedure, the bug was fixed.

These fixes were released as v2.5.2.

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