Saturday, September 12, 2015

ActiveNav Scripting and Transcripting

Previously in this miniature series on the yet-unreleased ActiveNav tool, I mentioned "auto commands" and "transcripts." Those concepts are only tangentially related to each other, but they are both very simple, so I will cover them both in one post.

Passing a command-line parameter to ActiveNav will cause it to read commands as lines from that file and put them in the auto-command queue. That's the same queue that is accessible from ActiveNav extensions via IActiveNav.PushCommand. Therefore, each line in the script file will be executed before the user has a chance to type anything. I've found it very useful for my bind command.

Passing two command-line parameters results in the first being used as a script file and the second as a transcript (output) file. Every line written to the screen (except prompts and lines from misbehaving extensions) is also written to that file. The transcript file is recreated each time ActiveNav is run, but I might change that.

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