Monday, September 14, 2015

Gash - More CGA Insight

Yesterday while using Gash (well, FMod's NextGenGraphics class) to inspect the CGAGRAPH from the Keen 5 CGA edition, I discovered a little more information about the difference between the CGA and EGA editions.

First and most obviously, there are two fewer chunks in CGAHEAD than EGAHEAD. A quick inspection of the chunk lengths revealed that the two 32KB B800 texts were right next to each other rather than spaced by the two Terminator-style texts. That makes sense, considering that smooth scrolling is impossible in CGA and therefore the CGA editions do not display the scrolling Terminator-style intro, so they have no need for the texts that represent them.

I suppose there were no placeholder chunks because the missing ones are very close to the end of the array; shifting the ones that follow down two isn't hard to work around. (It's just the universe-exploding screen and the five demos at the end.) Compare that with the missing font in CGA, which is replaced with a small unused picture so that the entire array isn't shifted.

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