Thursday, July 7, 2016

Policy Plus - POL files

I want Policy Plus to be able to read policy settings from normal POL files, straight from the Registry, or both at once, so I need to have a common interface of some kind. Today I put together and partially implemented IPolicySource. It currently has two implementing classes: PolFile, which is mostly done, and RegistryPolicyProxy, which is all stubs at the moment.

PolFile can load POL files and determine whether a Registry value exists, including figuring out whether a value will be deleted by any of the several deletion commands. Since the Registry is case-insensitive, it lower-cases everything, but it also keeps track of the first original casing used for each path so that it can (eventually) write the values in their original style. That's so that people see pretty names if they open their Registry.

You can see the current code on GitHub.

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