Sunday, July 31, 2016

Policy Plus - User policy, computer policy

Today I put together a way of handling the user/computer policy split for Policy Plus. There's now a dropdown box above the categories tree that lets you select whether you want user policies, computer policies, or both. There's also a new View menu, which currently contains only a single item, Empty Categories. When that option is unchecked, categories that don't contain any relevant policies (considering the aforementioned dropdown's setting) are hidden. Changes to those viewing options cause Policy Plus to take you up to the nearest level in the tree that's still visible.

The State column now takes into account the current policy set. That gets interesting when you choose to see both user and computer policies. In that case, it will show "(2)" next to the state if both instances have the same state; it will show a "(U)" or a "(C)" next to the state if only one has any setting, and it will just say "Mixed" if the two instances have different settings.

A policy that's only enabled for the computer
I pushed these and yesterday's changes to GitHub.

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