Saturday, November 1, 2014

FMod - Music Mapping

With a rare bit of spare time on my hands today, I went back to Abiathar to continue my work on the now long-in-progress v2.2 update that will add music import and assignment support to Abiathar.

When I had last left off, I had an audio file configuration/dumping wizard and a poorly-designed Sound Manager form. I still don't have any idea how I want to deal with non-song sounds, so I ignored that (dead code currently) and moved on to music.

For that, I created the Music Mappings dialog. It consists of a list of levels, a list of songs, and some buttons to control which song goes to each level. I coded most of the buttons, but there are still strange issues involving the actual population of the dialog. Once I get the dialog actually rendering, I can show what I've done.

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