Today I noticed that Forge has a version for Minecraft 1.7.10, which is considerably newer than the 1.7.2 I had been developing for. So, I used the Gradle script to update to it, but then all the sounds (including vanilla's) were broken. Apparently, I need to provide an --assetsDir switch in the run configuration. After doing that, I tried to run the thing and immediately discovered that Forge had yet again changed and broken my mod (I don't know what I expected). The main issues here were that IEntityOwnable's ID system had changed from using names to UUIDs and that some things referenced by my DiscriminatingExplosion lost their nice names (went back to the obfuscated Searge names). I fixed all those things without much trouble.
Then, in an attempt to make the Wither more interesting, I did some more messing around with its AI tasks. Before, it would frequently get stuck on trees or otherwise find itself unable to get to its target. This was due to EntityAIArrowAttack exiting if the Wither's senses did not have a clear line of sight to the target. I removed that check, and owned Withers will now shoot through barriers to get to their target!
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