Saturday, August 15, 2015

Abiathar Online - Editing Time

I started working on the editing parts of Abiathar Online, that is, the code that allows picking up and tweaking tiles. I am using the mousemove event of the canvas element to process user input, but I have run into some very strange problems. The context menu preventer (returning false from a contextmenu event) does not appear to work, but it does if I set that same anonymous function to the oncontextmenu property of the canvas. The mouse movement handler was working at one point, then it suddenly decided to only fire once for each level, and now it has stopped working completely. I do not understand.

I learned that the comparison operators have higher precedence than the bitwise operators, which is weird. Oh, and I no longer get the hand cursor over links on the editor page. I have no idea what I did to make that happen.

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