Saturday, October 14, 2017

Keen Modding Live - Patch finagling

Since Keen Modding Live is about individual levels rather than whole games, I want to remove as much of the inter-level bookkeeping as possible. Ammo, score, and pogo should all reset on death. All the necessary patches existed for Keen 1 on the KeenWiki, but not for Keen 2 and 3. I tried to translate some more of them, but was unsuccessful. Fortunately, Levellass came to the rescue and made the "don't keep score gained in level when dying" mechanic work for all episodes. I now have a complete patch set for Keen 2, so all I need to do to get that live is make the world map completely black. For Keen 1, I accomplished that simply by painting the entire map level with black tiles and graphics-editing map Keen's original sprite to also be black - that way, nothing else shows up while the real level is being loaded.

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