Monday, January 27, 2014

FMod - Interface Infrastructure

Whew, interfaces and dynamic programming are complicated! However, they definitely paid off for Fudge.

With a few more tweaks to the important interfaces (and a new one for level-based plane renderers), Fudge's drawing routines were back up. I also took this great opportunity to abstract the level collection manipulation and give each level its own visual offset. Knowing that every plane rendered for the level viewer is in fact based on a level is a very helpful thing. Another great benefit of this new system is the ability to re-render only one tile at a time instead of redoing the entire thing. I took advantage of that in the links faux-plane to adjust its collection of lines only if a tile is changed that is a link.

That little text in the bottom right displays the current tool. That's right, the Tools menu actually does things now! It currently can only be populated by extensions, but I'll soon fill out a core "extension" to supply the basic tools.

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